Jerome Poulalier

Version française ici.

In conjunction to the creation of the new French criminal justice of minors code* , the Judicial Protection of Youth (PJJ), opened the doors to one of its reformatory homes for this series.

* Application of the CJPM (Code of Criminal Justice for Minors) scheduled for September 30th, 2021

Composed of a multidisciplinary team, the Collonges au Mont d'Or (France) Collective Accommodation Educational Unit’s main mission is to ensure the protection of minors ages 13 to 18 years within the framework of the judicial system.

Minors can be placed in the care of the PJJ for varying durations but are typically given a period of six months by order of juvenile judge or examining magistrate. These orders are generally motivated by the accumulation of legal offenses or the deterioration of a family situation that renders the maintenance of the youth impossible (intra-family violence, abandonment, or rejection). In accordance with the ordinance of February 2nd, 1945, this type of house has the task of educating, protecting, and integrating the minors back into society.

The team of 21 professionals supports the minors in their care to practice daily life responsibilities and to reevaluate their future. From objectives defined together, they co-construct each young person’s personal plan which can include professional training, continuing education or reuniting with their families, and help them implement it. The team offers individual and collective support using workshops aimed at teaching the minors how to be upstanding and successful citizens.

“I spent several weeks immersed in the home to capture the atmosphere, profoundness and the everyday moments. Without being able to reveal the faces, names, or any form of identification of the young people in care, I was challenged with using various photographic techniques, therefore the approach borders between artistic series and photo documentary.”

French Version available here, with more text and testimonies

Please contact me for more information, images or testimonies.

Short video summarizing the project (French only)

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