Jerome Poulalier


Blindness, water resources management in Jordan, cultural heritage in Kuwait, bull-riding in Texas, justice for minors in France...
Kuwait Heritage
Discover my recent photo documentary about Kuwait City and his heritage.
Analog & Digital
I mostly shoot digital for commissioned assignments but I also do a lot of film photography.
Long term projects
Find out more about my long term projects like 'Citizens in the Making".

Overview of various photo series


Blake, 52 years old, has been blind his whole life.  He tell us about his perception of the color blue, his dreams or his passion for adventure. From the Being Blind series.

Young bull-riders getting ready for their 8 seconds ride. From the series 8SEC, focusing on the behind the scenes of this extreme sport.


Recent work for a French funeral services company after the big rush caused by the Covid19 pandemic. Series available on my other website, in French only.

From the series Read the Air, documenting the invisible border between tradition and modernity in Tokyo, Japan

From the series The Falcon Effect, documenting how falcon trapping activities play an important role in social relationships for Bedouin tribes in Jordan.


With more than 500 apartments, the 60-acre residential compound in downtown Kuwait City called Al Sawaber, was demolished in 2019 upon the request of the Ministry of Finance. From the series Desert Storm


"Experienced vs experimenting", black and white analog photograph, 2018. During my photo documentary NOTIFICATIONS (French version only), I asked random people in the street questions about the impact of new technologies on our social relationships. This grandpa told me about his connection with his grand-daughter and the importance of sharing moments like this rollerskating afternoon at the park. "No technology will ever replace this he said. He didn't want me to take any pictures of him or her so I shot their feet instead, as it was telling the whole story by itself: their connection, the context and the contrast between them.


Recent work 

Citizens in the making

Without being able to reveal the faces, names, or any form of identification of the young people in care, I was challenged with using various photographic techniques, therefore the approach borders between artistic series and photo documentary.

Preview below and full series available here

Based in France, regularly travel for work.


Who am I?

I am Jerome Poulalier, a 38-year-old French photographer based in Lyon (FR), working worldwide (mostly Middle East, USA and Europe). Eight years ago after receiving the prize from the Nicolas Hulot Foundation, awarded by PHOTO magazine, I made photography my full time job and since then have worked on numerous photo projects. For the past few years, my work and my artistic research has revolved around two dynamics: humans and their environment.

Major references

LensCulture (Editors Pick,  Street Photography Awards 2021), Petapixel (Kuwait City, 2021), Monovision Photography Awards (Honorable mention, 2020), Levallois Photo Prize (finalist, 2020), Dallas Observer (Being Blind, Dallas, 2017), Interpol (Onlylyon, 2020), Honor, Actes Sud, Palais de Chaillot, Oxford Brookes University, Kuwait University, French Institute of Amman...


"I mostly shoot digital for commissioned assignments but I also do a lot of film photography"


Film Photography



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